Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Yes you can! 

FORCE a copy on Google Docs

@Lisa Berghoff

Here's a great little tip to keep in mind as we wrap up this school year and start planning for the fall. Sharing and copying documents has become commonplace in our classrooms. Many of us use Google Classroom or Hapara to push out copies of docs or other Google drive files. Here is a simple, quick way to force users to create a copy of a Google doc without using an external system.

Here is what you need to do:

  • Grab the link of the Google doc, sheet, slide, or drawing that you are editing. You will know it's the right link because it will have the word "edit" at the end. 
  • Replace the word "edit" with "copy"
  • When the user on the other end clicks the link, they will automatically be prompted to make a copy. Their copy will then be added to their own Google drive
Do you have other helpful little tips and tricks with Google docs? 
Share them in the comments below:)

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