Monday, January 25, 2021

 Use Less Links!

Embedding In Schoology Using HTML


There have been many articles posted about the three-click rule. The idea is that people aren't willing to click more than three times before they are frustrated and leave a website. Some say it's a myth, that people stay long past three clicks. Others say reducing the number of clicks makes a difference for users. We do know that when it comes to learning activities, eliminating barriers is important, especially for students who struggle. The shorter we can make the line between the two points of access and learning, the better. We have come a LONG way in the past year! We are using Schoology as the digital learning hub for all students and all classes and we hear from students, case managers, counselors, and parents that this is making a difference. When students cannot find their materials, that is the first barrier that can lead them to frustration and shut down. Now that we are using Schoology at the next level, there are some ways to streamline to improve students' access even more.  We know that with some tools we have a way to connect to Schoology using an app, such as Peardeck and Edpuzzle. However, not all tools have this availability. 

I know that some teachers think that html code is only for coders. I am here to tell you that is not true!  When you see the html code available, all you really need to do is copy it and enter it in Schoology and your content will be embedded. That means your students will not need to click on a link! I'm not going to lie, when I first found this feature I felt like I found a super cool secret. Now I'm sharing it with you. That's how much I care!

Here is an example with a Google form that I created for my class.  

Instead of entering the link on my materials page, I put the html code for the google form and now my students can complete the survey without needing to click and be sent to the form on another tab.

This works with any tools that provide html embed code including Google forms and Flipgrid, just to name a few.   Here is how you set it up.  I will use Google forms as an example. It pretty much works the same way with any site. 

Step 1: Set Up Your Form and Grab the Code

When you create your form the way you want, you will then click the Send button and click the html symbol < >. Copy the html code. 

Step 2: Create An Assignment Or Page In Schoology

On your materials page, click add materials and then add assignment or add page. This also works on updates. When you are on the editor, click on the two vertical dots. When you hover it will say "switch to html".  Copy the html code and click Create. 

That's it!! When you are on a site that gives you the option to copy the html, don't be afraid. Just know that all you need to do is copy that code in html mode.  Give it a try and see how it goes. Your students will thank you!

Want some help? I'm happy to walk you through it. Just let me know. 

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