Monday, May 17, 2021

Closing The Door On 2020/2021 School Year 

(And Making Next Fall Just A Little Bit Easier )

Schoology End Of Year Checklist


As I write this we have nine official school days left. While it may feel like an eternity, it will go by quickly and there are a few things you can do to make sure you close the door on this year and don't really have to look back, unless you want to reflect on all the ways you crushed it during this overwhelmingly challenging year. 

The intention of this post is to give you a step by step guide to ending the year as it pertains to entering grades and managing your Schoology content. Follow these steps in order and you will be able to walk into summer knowing that you've checked everything off the list and confident that you're setting yourself up for success when we return in August. 

1. Double Check Your Grade Setup

You may not have looked at your grade setup since August and that's totally fine. It's a good time to just go in and check that everything is calculating the way you want it. You must click save after making changes in grade setup. 

  • Check your category weights, make sure your categories are calculating by total points and not by percentage, even if you weight your categories. Hopefully you have already done this.

  • Make sure your final grade settings grade book scale is not numeric. 
  • If you plan on overriding grade calculations in Schoology, you can check the box to add an override column.
  • Consider if you want your grades to be rounded.
    • THSD 113 Rounded .5 - this method is what is most familiar to our staff. A student receiving an 89.5% will earn an "A" for the course, but the value will stay an 89.5%
    • Round Period/Final Grades - this is Schoology's native method. Every final value is rounded to the nearest percent. A student receiving an 89.5% will get a 90%, and a student receiving an 89.4% will get an 89%.
  • If you are giving a final, make sure it is entered correctly.

2. Click Bulk Edit In Your Gradebook

Do a sweep of all of your assignments and grades by clicking the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the gradebook. You must click save after making changes in bulk edit.

  • Make sure everything with a grade has been published. You will see a little green circle next to it if you have linked classes. If your classes are not linked, you will see a checkbox under the green circle at the top. 
  • Make sure everything is in the appropriate category.
  • If you would like to save a hard copy of your gradebook because that's how you roll, you can click "export" and you will get a CSV file. 

3. Transfer Overall Grade To IC (when final)

You must click save after making changes in Infinite Campus.

  • Go into Infinite Campus and click post grades.
  • Make sure the term is S2 and the grading task is S2-Semester.
  • You only need to enter a letter grade for the semester.
  • After you enter and click save, go back in one more time and make sure it's all looking good.

4. Save Courses To Resources

  • On the materials page, click the button that says Options and click save course to resources. 
  • Your "home" collection is just for you. It's a good idea to save it here.
  • You can, but don't need to, create a new folder. There is a box you can check that that says "save as folder with resources" it's a good idea to choose this one.
  • Something to be aware of: if you have assignments with a google doc that made a copy for each student, that will not save to resources because it relies on the student roster. You can enter the link to your original document in the assignment description so you will have it ready for next year. 
  • If you are not teaching the same course next year and want to hand it over to another teacher, you can do that in Resources. Just create a new collection and share it with them. 

If after reading this you are feeling uncertain about what to do or not sure if you have everything done correctly, please reach out! I am happy to help. 

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