Tuesday, December 20, 2022

 End of Semester 1 Hub: 

Final Assessments and Saving Grades

Here is the latest information, as of December 20, 2022, about entering finals and finalizing grades. 

Things To Know:

  • There has been an emphasis on the need for grades in Schoology and IC to match. This is referring to the In Progress grade. If you give a final that lives outside of the in-progress grade (ex: in-progress 80% and final assessment 20%), your Schoology and IC grades will no longer match once the final exam grades are in. This is expected. No need to stress about it. 

  • Basically, if the student has seen a B all along in IC and you now realized you had miscategorized a bunch of assignments and they are now suddenly getting a D, that’s a problem. See Michael Lach’s email from December 16th and Debby Finn’s newsletter from December 18th. 

  • Once your final assessment grades are in and everything is ready to go, you need to go into IC in the Semester task and click POST and then SAVE. If you want to override a grade, change it in the posted section and then click save.

All the resources you need are right here.

Things to keep in mind:

This is our first time using the item-level passback. We are learning. It is frustrating. We know so much more now than we did in August. It will get easier. 

Thank you for your kindness, patience, and supportive encouragement!

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