Monday, August 14, 2023


Aren't we so lucky? Every August we get a fresh start. We get to dream big and plan for a new group of students. We get to bring the knowledge that we gained from last school year and use it moving forward knowing full well that this year's group of students will undoubtedly throw us curve balls and surprise us in interesting ways. As educators, we often take this yearly do-over for granted but I see it as an amazing gift. What will this school year be?  At the end of this year, when we are packing up for the summer, what words do you hope will describe how the year went? I encourage you to think of a six word memoir that you hope will tell the story of this school year and share it here.

I know that you have lots of setting up to do and hopefully on the top of that list is setting up your Schoology materials pages and your IC/Schoology gradebooks. This document has lots of resources on it that will help you, including a troubleshooting doc that explains what will and what will not sync. Remember, you can also always  book a time with me and we can work on it together.

Remember that your Schoology materials page is an extension of your classroom and is your digital space. You can set the tone for the year by adding custom designs by using Canva. Want to make your course tiles look amazing? Here's a quick tutorial on how to create Schoology tiles using Canva. You are going to be so proud of how great they look.  

Also, please be mindful of how you have your materials page organized. Ask your students for feedback. They see a lot of materials pages and they would really appreciate your asking them what works and what doesn't. This slide deck has several options, start at slide 7. 

Finally, I have a clean and simple list of the most prominent edtech tools we have available to us. These are amazing and can really help your students stay engaged in order to maximize learning. 

Want some help getting things set up? Feel free to contact me. I'm always happy to help!

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