Tuesday, September 12, 2023



Schedule Your Schoology Updates


Can you believe it's been about 6 years since District 113 adopted Schoology as our primary learning management system?! 6 years of grade setups, cross-linking, and course tabs. 6 years of "add materials," folders, and updates. Besides the new gradebook syncing system, not much has changed in the Schoology ecosystem and last week I couldn't decide if I had a problem with that. On one hand, it represented stability, and continuity, and control. On the other, I thought about stagnation and plateaus. Don't fix it if it ain't broke? 

Either way, today we get to introduce you to a "new" feature regarding Schoology's updates: You now get to create and schedule your updates in advance! WOW. Ground-breaking news for you, I am sure. For those of you who have tirelessly created countless updates for your students for the last half decade, I hope this simple change provides some measure of efficiency to your planning.

Step 1: Installation

  • Simply go to www.updatescheduler.com and click "Sign in to schedule updates." 
  • Scroll down the page and type in our district's custom domain, lms.dist113.org in the box and click continue.

  • You should see your account name and district. Prove your humanity, and click "Approve."

Step 2: Implementation

  • Now you can bookmark this page. If you haven't caught on yet, this is a 3rd party page that allows you to organize and schedule your updates to all of your various Schoology course pages.
  • Choose a course from the left-hand column, and write and schedule your update. It's as easy as that. If you'd like, you can test this out by writing a test update that triggers in a minute. Go to your Schoology course page to confirm.
Again, nothing too groundbreaking here, but a welcome addition to our tried and true platform: Schoology. Good luck and let us know how we can help!

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