Monday, August 12, 2024


Instructional Technology!

 What You Need To Know


Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! When I speak to folks who don't work in schools, and I tell them that I am the Director of Instructional Technology, I can see some confusion set in. When I was a special education teacher, that was something that everyone had some sort of mental model to give them context. We did not really have instructional technology when I was in school. In fact, this is my 10th year and so it's the 10th year our school has had this position. Considering how old some of our systems are, Instructional Technology is relatively new. Technology can be enticing, flashy, and fun. However, I feel strongly that the use of technology in schools needs to serve a specific purpose, just like any other classroom tool. We have a blended learning environment in our school and decisions around the use of technology need to be considered thoughtfully. This post will explain a little bit about instructional technology and how I can be helpful to you. Think of this as your edtech menu. You get to decide what you're having today. Enjoy!

What Is Instructional Technology?
The use of technology to enhance teaching and learning processes. This encompasses a broad range of tools and techniques that teachers can use to make lessons more engaging, effective, and accessible for students. Edtech tools can be used for differentiation, collaboration, efficiency, access to information, and much more.

What EdTech Services Are Available?
I'm only one person, but I try to get a lot in so I can be useful to everyone in our school. I can meet 1:1, with course teams, departments, or provide whole staff professional learning opportunities. I will spend a week in each department getting to know you, your curriculum, and your students. 
Here are some examples of things we can do together:
  • Updating old assignments and activities to make them more relevant 
  • Making classroom activities more collaborative
  • Examining and improving workflow and efficiency
  • Teaching your students how to use a new tool
  • Finding ways to make lessons more interactive and less sit and get
  • Accessibility of materials and content
  • Virtual field trips
  • Utilizing the Universal Design For Learning updated guidelines to make sure students have agency and are afforded opportunities in their learning
  • Explore AI tools and help understand your stance on AI use in your classes
Many of you know that I am a big fan of the "innovator's mindset" and so I love to explore, try new things, and rethink what has been done before to imagine what can be possible. 
If you want to think 10X. Come and see me! Not sure what that means? 
Check out this video:

When do I go to Lisa vs the HelpDesk?
In general, if it is something that is instructional but not technical, come to me. I can't fix your computer or your projector but our incredible tech team can! If you're not sure, feel free to start with me and if needed, we can write your HelpDesk ticket together.  The following infographic can be helpful to you. 

I hope this is helpful and that you will keep me in mind as you are planning, thinking about, and exploring ideas to help meet the needs of every student. You don't have to go at it alone!

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