Tuesday, December 17, 2024

 2024 HP EdTech 


A Look At The Year In Review


Wow! 2024 is coming to an end and while I am someone who really enjoys looking ahead to the future, I also know that it is so important to see where we've been and reflect on how far we have come.  I am always trying to make sure that the work that I do has purpose and these metrics help me determine how effective my strategies are. Let's look at where we've been in terms of instructional technology, where we are headed, and what we need to keep our focus on. 

Where We've Been-
Thank you for tuning in! There were 15,700 views on this blog over the past 12 months. Last year the number was 13,000 so it is encouraging to me that the numbers are going up. Thank you for reading! The most popular post was the one called What's Different About Diffit. You can check it out here.  The most surprising piece of information that I can glean from the analytics provided relates to how many views there are over the summer. I know that you all are planning but it really pleases me to know that you are using these posts as a resource.  Also, try not to work too much over the summer please. 

Where We Are Headed-
You can't have a conversation about instructional technology without having AI pop in at some point. I'm interested in what this means for educators and how teaching and learning will change as a result. Here is what I have found in my research with regards to AI in schools.

Potential Benefits-
1. Ability to get personalized feedback to students very quickly
2. Ability to meet the varied needs of students more easily
3. Ability to automate some of the more mundane, time consuming tasks

Potential Concerns-
1. Who is doing the thinking when students use AI?
2. Will there be a culture shift around the stigma associated with AI use?
3. What is considered acceptable vs unacceptable use of AI in schools?

There will be so much learning, growing, discussing, and thinking about artificial intelligence and technology as it intersects with learning and I am looking forward to watching this story unfold for us as well as for our students. 

As is my tradition, here is the Google 2024 Year In Search Video. It's a wonderful reminder of what we looked for the most in 2024.

I'm looking forward to learning, growing, searching, and sharing with you in 2025.
Happy Holidays.

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